Conceptual aspects in creation of fungus-resistant polyurethans having special purpose

1Rudenko, AV, 2Saveliev, Yu.V, 1Koval, EZ, 1Lenova, LI, 1Voloschuk, EM
1Institute of Urology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004, 10 ;(5-6):197-199
Publication Language: Russian
Based upon peculiarities of the structure of synthesized polyurethanes which allows one to include additional groups and heteroatoms in the process of construction of fungus-resistant variants, the passive way of protection by means of introducing the Zn, Cu, Sn ions of metals (they were inaccessible for micromycets) into the structure of macromolecules is used. The synthesized polyurethanes, the macromolecule of which contains the fragments of Sn, Zn, Cu and Pb acetyleacetones, manifested the contact fungicide action on those micromycet strains which were detected in the orbital station. It should be noted that its activity was demonstrated in inhibing the process of spore sprouting and vitality maintaining during 3 to 10 days, with lysis of cell wall to follow.
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