
  1. The manuscript must be submitted by the author by e-mail.

    Postal address, nelephone numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be pointed on the separate page of manuscript.

    The full names and surnames of the authors, their place of work, position, scientific degree, e-addresses, ORCID should be also pointed on the separate page of a manuscript. These data will be included in the “Our Authors” heading.

  2. Language: English, Ukrainian.
  3. The main elements of an article must be ordered in such a sequence:  UDC number; Article title; initials and surname of the authors; the full name of the institution where the authors work; abstract in English; text of an article; annexes (if applicable); list of references. Figures, tables and figure caption must be submitted on separate sheets. Each figure and table should have a caption. Formulas, figures, tables, sections have a simple Arabic numbering through a whole article. Not worth to number those sections and formulas to which is not reference in the text. When choice the units of physical quantities it is necessary to follow the SI system.

    Template for the references in MS Word format can be found here.

  4. Figures should be in jpeg- or tif- format, 300 dpi. 

  5. Manuscripts prepared without these rules are not considered.

  6. In case of rejection of the article, the author receives a message within 1 week. A Review process takes not more than 2 months. Articles, returned to the author for making corrections and responses to reviewer comments, which are not returned then to the Editorial Office during 2 months, shall be considered as rejected ones.

  7. The proofs, which are sending to the author, should be returned to the  Editorial Office not later than three days.

  8. Copyright transfer agreement to print the journal article, in order to promote the wide dissemination of scientific information, is available here.

The author or customer is responsible for the reliability of the information in the materials published in the journal.

For additional information contact the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Office