High-frequency langmuir wave instability in preflare plasma

1Kryshtal, AN, 2Gerasimenko, SV
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2005, 11 ;(1-2):068-074
Publication Language: Russian
The conditions of rise of high-frequency electron plasma waves due to the appearance and development of the corresponding Langmuir Instability were investigated at the chromospheric part of the loop current circuit in arcade before a flare. The rise of this instability is the resull of the collective action of the effects connected with taking into account the pair Coulomb collisions in the form of the model integral of Bhatnagar – Gross – Crook for the fully ionized plasma, the presence of quasi static large-scale electric Field in the current circuit and adiabatically slow growth of the amplitude of this field in time. The growth is the result of the magnetic flux interaction in the framework of the Heyvaerts – Priest – Rust theory of a flare, It is shown that the langmuir instability can rise only at the early stage of the flux Interaction, when the electron-ion collisions dominate in plasma. When the anomalous resistance appears at the chromospheric part of current circuit due 1o the rise of the saturated Ion-acoustic turbulence, the development of the Langmuir wave instability becomes impossible in the framework of stationary scenario.
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