State governance of space activities: the global experience for Ukraine
1Malysheva, NR, 1Hurova, AM 1V.M. Koretsky Institute of state and law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, International Space Law Centre, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Space Sci. & Technol. 2024, 30 ;(5):120-136 | |
Publication Language: Ukrainian |
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the organization of state governance of space activities in Ukraine and in the world. The authors emphasize that proper organization of governance implies the existence of structures capable of performing relevant tasks that meet the socio-economic, environmental and cultural needs of the state, as well as the requirements for ensuring its security and defense. The effectiveness of public administration depends on a clear division of functions and powers between management structures, as well as compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and legal certainty which prevent duplication of powers and optimizes the use of resources.
The article examines various approaches to the organization of space management in the world’s leading space powers, such as the United States, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Turkey, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Nigeria, Australia, and New Zealand. It is noted that single-tier management systems, where there is a single space agency directly subordinated to the highest executive body, operate in states where space activities are a priority for sustainable development. In most countries, however, space agencies are integrated into the system of ministries responsible for broader development areas Analyzing the system of space activity management in Ukraine, the authors note that it has undergone numerous transformations over the past 30 years, but is not effective today. This is largely due to the imperfect legal regulation of the relevant relations, the presence of a large number of regulatory inconsistencies and contradictions. The authors propose ways to improve the structural and functional support of this system, taking into account both our own historical experience, domestic needs, opportunities and challenges, and maximizing the use of positive foreign experience.
Keywords: Ministry of Strategic Industry, principle of legal certainty, public administration, space activities, SSAU, two-tier management system |
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