Kinematic parameters, physical characteristics, and chemical composition of selected meteor bodies

1Golubaev, AV, 2Mozgova, АМ
1Institute of Astronomy of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Astronomical Observatory of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2024, 30 ;(4):06-06
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Background. Meteoroids can reach the Earth and penetrate its atmosphere creating meteor phenomena. Kinematic parameters, physical characteristics, and chemical compositions of the observed meteor bodies provide information about the properties of their parent bodies — comets and asteroids. On the other hand, these parameters can reflect the physical conditions of being in different parts of the Solar System and beyond.
            Methods. The meteor data analyzed in this work were obtained from observations using the automatical video and spectral meteor patrol (AVSMP) of the Institute of Astronomy of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The methods of meteor astronomy and spectroscopy make it possible to determine the kinematic parameters, physical properties, and chemical composition of the meteoroids that we studied.
           Results. The paper presents the research results of meteors brighter than 0m that were recorded by the multi-stations method. These meteors also have spectral observations. For the selected 12 meteors, we obtained the coordinates of meteor radiants on the celestial sphere, the parameters of the atmospheric trajectories of meteoric bodies, and the heliocentric orbital parameters of the observed meteoroids for the epoch (J2000). The extra-atmospheric masses of meteoroids were determined from photometric data. The identified emission lines detected in meteor spectra were analyzed. The software developed by the authors of this paper for meteor spectra processing was used. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the chemical composition of meteor bodies were carried out. During the quantitative analysis, the values of the relative intensities of the Fe I-15, Mg I-2, and Na I-1 lines were determined.
           Conclusions. Kinematic parameters and elements of heliocentric orbits presented in this work indicate that the observed meteor bodies belong to meteor showers and their comets, such as Perseids, Leonids, and Southern Taurids. Some meteor bodies are sporadic. The calculated masses of meteoroids have some scatter of values, but they are generally consistent with observations of other authors in the range of absolute values of the meteor brightness -2m…+1.5m. It was found that some of the studied meteor bodies are Fe-poor or Na-poor in their chemical composition.
Keywords: chemical composition, heliocentric orbit, mass, meteor, meteoroid, spectral lines, spectrum