Additive technologies, powders of metals and alloys for them. History and current production state in Belarus

1Iliushchenko, OF, 1Savich, VV
1State Scientific Institution "Powder Metallurgy Institute", Minsk, Belarus
Space Sci.&Technol. 2017, 23 ;(4):33-45
Publication Language: Russian
We review and discuss the place of additive technologies in modern production, their relation to the methods and technologies of traditional powder metallurgy, and the opportunities for their joint use. The design of units for selective laser sintering of metal powders and developments of technologies for the production of porous and composite materials from titanium and titanium alloy powders have been conducted in the Republic of Belarus since the beginning of the 21st century. The results of the original developments are discussed. Features of a the unit for selective laser melting and the plant for powder production by vacuum induction melting with spraying of a melt jet with an inert gas are described. The units were put into operation at the Institute of Powder Metallurgy. We describe prospective directions of research and development of this equipment.
Keywords: additive technologies, hot isostatic pressing (HIP), induction melting in vacuum, selective laser melting (SLM), selective laser sintering (SLS), spraying of a melt jet with an inert gas
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