The mechanism of spraying of paraffin-based fuel by using of plasma transferred arc

1Bulavin, LA, 1Chernyak, VYa., 1Vergun, LYu., 1Zabashta, Yu.F, 2Orlovskaya, SG, 1Nedibalyuk, OA, 1Solomenko, ОV
1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
2I.I. Mechnikov National University of Odessa, Odessa, Ukraine
Space Sci.&Technol. 2017, 23 ;(1):30-35
Publication Language: Ukrainian
We discuss the problem of paraffin-based systems’ intensification. Such systems can be used in the teсhnologies of the
fuel charges for hybrid rockets. The shear adhesion strength for a paraffin-based system with chains of a different length is determined experimentally. The mechanism of paraffin-based fuel spraying using a transverse plasma arc is proposed. This mechanism is associated with the changes in a quantity and a form of bonds between paraffin molecules.
Keywords: hybrid rockets, paraffin-based fuel, spraying, transverse plasma arc
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