The use of FM-signals of broadcasting stations for meteor quantity investigation

1Bushuev, FI, 1Kalyuzhny, NA, 2Slivinsky, AP, 1Shulga, AV
1Scientific-Research Institute «Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory», Mykolaiv, Ukraine
2State Enterprise « Radio Engineering Institute», Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2011, 17 ;(3):60-70
Publication Language: Russian
Using the signal information of FM-transmitters, we analyzed the quantity of observable signals reflected from meteors, depending on their life time. A comparison of the obtained statistics with some earlier known statistics shows their good agreement. This points to the possibility of successful selection of meteors with the use of signals from FM-transmitters. We developed a procedure for the analogue restoration of the amplitude-time characteristic using the spectrum of a signal of a FМ-transmitter. The procedure is based on the use of the amplitude modulation of a FM-signal. The amplitude modulation is caused by the Fresnel interference on a meteor trail which results in the disappearance of the signal at the output of a FM-receiver in the case when the signal-to-noise ratio at its input is less than the lower threshold of the frequency demodulator. This assumption was experimentally confirmed by the example of time development of a Polish FM-radio station signal reflected from the underdense trail of a short-living meteor. The position of the first local maximum of the spectral density of a signal at the FM-receiver output is inversely proportional to the time between the first and second Fresnel zones. This allows one to estimate the velocity of a meteor from the spectrum of a FM-transmitter signal.
                   Using the observations from 10 to 23 June 2010, signals of the Pol­ish FM-radio station were detected through spectral density bursts and spectral density maxima were determined. Besides, velocities of meteors were estimated using the first local maximum positions. The time sequence of the FМ-radio station signal reflected from a meteor is an important distinctive feature of the meteor and can be used to develop an algorithm for automatic detection of meteors using a FM-radio station signal.
Keywords: amplitude modulation, FM-signal, Fresnel interference, meteor
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