Spectropolarimetric device for overatmospheric investigations of Solar system bodies

1Yatskiv, Ya.S, 1Vidmachenko, AP, 1Morozhenko, OV, 1Sosonkin, MG, 1Ivanov, Yu.S, 1Syniavskyi, II
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2008, 14 ;(2):56-67
Publication Language: Russian
We justify the advisability of the use of the spectropolarimetric device in preparation for and performance of the space experiments for global continuous long-term control of phenomena on the surface and in the atmosphere of the Earth, in circum-terrestrial space, on the Moon, on solar system planets and on other bright celestial objects.
Keywords: control of phenomena, space experiments, spectropolarimetric device
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