Degradation of parameters of solar cells under the influence of open space factors

1Zhenyu, Hu, 2Abraimov, VV, 1Shiyu, He., 1Dezhuang, Y, 3Rassamakin, BM
1Center for Space Materials Science and Simulation of the Cosmic Factors of the Harbin Polytechnic University, Harbin, China
2B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2003, 9 ;(1):081-091
Publication Language: Russian
We investigate effects of protons, electrons, and residual nitrogen ions in the Earth's atmosphere on the electrical properties of space-used solar cells, namely, the short-circuit current Isc and the idle running voltage Ulr. The KIFK and UPI space environment simulators were used as irradiation equipments.  The energy and fluense ranges for these particles were E = 60...200 keV and F = 10 ...10 part/cm2 , respectively. In order to simulate changes of the curve I – U at altitudes H = 300...36000 km for orbit lifes Δt = 1...20 years, the irradiation results of the uncovered K-208 solar cells and the covered K-208 solar cells were compared in the fluence range between 1010 and 1016 part/cm2 . For the uncovered solar cells, the short-circuit current Isc and the idle running voltage Ulr degraded by 50 percent and more when the fluence is F = 5-1014 part/cm2 . In the case of the covered solar cells, the short-circuit current Isc  and the idle running voltage Ulr decreased by nearly 25 percent when the combined fluence of electrons and protons is F = 1016 part/cm2 (such a fluence corresponds to a 20-year geostationary Earth orbit). However, the nitrogen ion irradiation (N+ ) under the same condition caused the short-circuit current to decrease nearly to zero. The experimental results are analysed within the framework of irradiation-induced damage theories of the solar cells. The ratio of the current after the irradiation to the current before the irradiation Id/Io, is in good agreement with the solar cell irradiation-induced damage theory given by G. Rauschenbah.
Keywords: degradation of solar cells, open space factors, solar cells
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