Some features of the applied reliability of space control radar stations

1Lavrich, Yu.N, 1Plaksin, SV, 1Pogorelaja, LM, 1Bistrov, NI
1Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2021, 27 ;(3):13-27
Publication Language: Ukrainian
      Context. The space control radar stations carry out the extremely important functions, therefore, they must be extremely reliable, and ensuring reliability is one of the key requirements at all stages of their life cycle.
     Objective. The goal of the work is the analyzing some aspects of ensuring reliability, caused by the peculiarities of the process of developing and manufacturing radar stations monitoring space, justifying the possibility of using the experience of a domestic developer in solving reliability problems in new samples.
     Method. A comparative analysis of the methods of development, manufacturing and testing of complex technical systems, existing standards and the standard of the Chief Designer are used in the work.
     Results. Some of the characteristic features of space control radar stations are given: uniqueness, single production, low repeatability and a large range, the impossibility of manufacturing and testing functionally complete systems directly under the manufacturer’s conditions. A number of features of design and manufacturing according to the standard of the Main Designer, which are absent in the existing standards, are considered, the necessity of developing new regulatory documents that take into account the specifics of the design and manufacture of space control radar stations is justified. From an applied point of view, a number of specific scientific and practical solutions for ensuring the reliability of space control radar stations of a domestic developer which may be used in further developments are presented. It has been established that many terms in the modern theory of reliability do not have an applied focus and do not allow increasing the accuracy of classifying the state of an object. It is shown that the creation of new generations of space monitoring radar stations is accompanied by the emergence of new scientific and practical tasks unknown to science, the solution of which is connected with the use of new scientific ideas and with the own developments of component elements. It is shown that the use of co-temporal elemental base in the design of space monitoring radar creates difficulties in ensuring the reliability of hierarchical levels, since testing by existing standards is possible only for lower levels of hierarchy. It is established that the existing standards of general technical requirements and methods of control and testing for products and radar stations are not always identical and it is impossible to ensure, that applying a highly reliable element base, we shall receive the same radar station reliability. Obviously, the new stage of ensuring reliability must be associated with the individual reliability of the elements themselves. It justifies the importance of the scientific task associated with the choice of control parameters of the modern generation of radar stations in the conditions of the impossibility of applying traditional control, which requires the interruption of their operation. The temperature as a function of time is proposed as a parameter for estimating the state of products. A number of ways to ensure the reliability of new generations of space monitoring radar stations based on the use of new information signals, as well as reliability models built into the element base for creating a system for collecting, storing and analyzing information — the same for all stages of the radio electronic equipment.
      Conclusions. Taking into account the features of the design and manufacture of space monitoring radar stations and the practical experience of a domestic developer to solve reliability problems will ensure the creation of technology of highly reliable generations of space control radars and the development of stations of “high factory readiness”.
Keywords: applied reliability, built-in reliability, documentation of the Chief Designer, element base, space monitoring radar
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