On-line map-making and diagnostics of oil pollutions of the sea surface using multifrequency radar data

1Belobrova, MV, 2Boyev, AG, 3Kabanov, AV, 3Matveev, AYa., 3Tsymbal, VN
1O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3A.I. Kalmykov Center for Radio Physical Sensing, NAS of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2009, 15 ;(5):24-33
Publication Language: Russian
The realization of the method for on-line map construction of oil contaminations of sea surface is described. The method allows one to construct map directly aboard an airplane during the synchronous two-frequency radar surveying. The algorithms and software for onboard processing of surveying results are developed. They allow one to estimate operative-ly the film thickness in every pixel of radar images, to plot the map for the distribution of the oil film thicknesses on the overall image and, at the direction of the operator, to estimate the amount of the spilled oil, both on a separate area and on the overall image. The method is based on the comparison of theoretical and experimental radar contrasts of oil-polluted sea surface. It was used for the map-making of oil film thickness distribution in the oil-producing area «Neftyanie Kamni» in the Caspian Sea. The maps were constructed using the processing results of two X- and L-band radar images which were оbtained with the airborne multi-frequency radar complex MARS. The mapping analysis showed that the film thickness on the oil-producing area changed from 0.01 mm to 3 mm and the total mass of the spilled oil was about 44000 tons. The analysis enabled us to find the most polluted water areas and to estimate the amount of the oil spilled there.
Keywords: mapping, oil-producing area, radar images
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