The use of day-time and night-time images of visible and infrared range for forest fires monitoring

1Bilousov, KG, 2Svinarenko, DN, 1Khoroshylov, VS, 2Mozgovoy, DK, 1Samsonova, YI, 1Khmara, DО
1Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2018, 24 ;(6):30-40
Publication Language: Russian
Timely detection of forest fires and reliable assessment of their size, dynamics and consequences is important and topical problem solution of which allows more effectively and quickly organizing the operations of rescue services during fire and more task-oriented and effectively holding activities to mitigate their consequences and taking measures, if possible, to prevent them. The article presents the results of processing and analysis of multi-spectral satellite images of low spatial resolution for the purpose of assessing the dynamics and consequences of the forest fires that happened in October-December 2017 on the territory of California. Based on the ERS data of visible and IR range from Terra, Aqua, Suomi NPP and Sentinel-3 satellites, the fire sources were revealed, the forest fire dynamics was investigated, the boundaries of burnt-out localities were determined and the area of affected territories was calculated.
                 A qualitative assessment of reliability of detecting the fire sources (based on smoke plumes and heat anomalies) and a quantitative assessment of the accuracy of determination of fire sources locations were made by way of comparing the results of processing the ERS data from MODIS, VIIRS and OLCI imagers with the results of fire detecting on the same days in the same territory obtained using specialized global satellite fire detection and monitoring web-services. A quantitative assessment of the accuracy of determination of boundaries and areas of burn-out localities was made by way of comparing the results of processing the ERS data from low-resolution imagers (MODIS, VIIRS and OLCI) with the results of processing the charge-free medium-resolution images from Sentinel-2А/B and Landsat-7/8 satellites made in the same period in the selected monitored territory and available in Internet.
                The feasibility and expediency is shown of joint processing, analysis and interpretation of multi-spectral day-time imaging data and panchromatic night-time imaging data for the purpose of increasing the reliability and timeliness of detecting fire sources and assessing the dynamics of fire propagation. To increase the accuracy of determination of areas and boundaries of burn-out localities, it is necessary to use the medium-resolution ERS data from Landsat-7/8 and Sentinel-2A / B satellites and from Terra satellite (ASTER imager).
Keywords: forest fires monitoring, images processing, multi-spectral satellite images
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