The methods and approaches to determine characteristics of turbulent environment

1Kozak, LV
1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Physical Faculty, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci.&Technol. 2016, 22 ;(2):60-77
Publication Language: Ukrainian
The methods and approaches that can be used to analyze the hydrodynamic and magneto-hydrodynamic turbulent flows are selected. It was determined that the methods of statistical physics are most suitable to characterize the type of turbulent processes. Within the statistical approach we consider the fractal analysis (determination of fractal length and height of the maximum of the probability density fluctuations of the studied parameters), and multifractal analysis (study of a power dependence of high order statistical moments and construction of multifractal spectrum). It is indicated that statistical analysis of the properties of turbulent processes can be supplemented with the spectral studies: Fourier and wavelet analysis. In order to test the methods and  approaches discussed in the work the fero-probe measurements of magnetic field fluctuations obtained by the spacecraft “Samba” of the mission “Cluster 2” with discreetness of 22.5 Hz in the transition regions of Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind were used.
We get a good agreement between different approaches and their mutual complementing to provide a general view of the turbulence.
Keywords: fractal analysis of satellite measurements, multifractal analysis, solar wind plasma, statistical analysis, the Earth’s magnetosphere, the fluctuations of the magnetic field, turbulence
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