Kerosene fuel tank super-cold pressurization system parameters mathematical modeling

1Mitikov, Yu.А
1Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015, 21 ;(5):43–47
Publication Language: Russian

The subject studies is helium gas-cylinders super-cold fuel tank pressurization system with rocket hydrocarbon fuel. A mathematical modeling methodology which takes into account both compressibility of helium, flow dosing elements flow section square enlargement, and heat transfer processes inside gas cylinders and fuel tanks has been developed. Main influencing factors on helium pressure inside fuel tank were determined — helium consumption, initial temperatures of tank and its fuel, the values of aero dynamic heat flow into tank walls.

Keywords: mathematical modeling methodology, super-cold helium pressurization system

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