Marketing strategies development on the satellite technology market based on marketing research and analysis of the market segments attractiveness

1Yermolenko, Ye.A, 1Udovichenko, ТA
1Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015, 21 ;(5):113–121
Publication Language: Russian

The analysis of the market segments attractiveness to promote products is one of the key forms of strategic marketing analysis. As for the satellite technologies market, the product is designed for both, individual consumers with the highest possible customer satisfaction and for certain groups of consumers with the product customization to their specific needs. The correct definition of consumer groups is a critical factor in the marketing effectiveness. Market segmentation allows determining the capacity and rate of the segments attractiveness as well as develops an economically-attractive segment entry strategy. In this paper the market strategies for satellite business, in particular, for the remote sensing of the Earth and telecommunications, are proposed based on the analysis of different approaches in the global market, market segmentation as well as attractiveness determination of the each segment. The current market conditions which are characterized by dynamics and complexity of the market and increased competition are taken into account.

Keywords: competition, market commercial of sector, market government of sector, market segments, market strategy, microsatellites, nanosatellites, profitability, satellite technology market, spacecraft, target customer.

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