Numerical noise-stability modeling of ukrainian regional satellite communucation networks

1Mazmanishvili, AS, 1Rafalovich, OYa.
1National Technical University 'Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute ", Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1998, 4 ;(1):92–101
Publication Language: Russian
The paper deals with the problem of calculating error probability PeMfor coherent phase-manipulated signals transmitted from a geostationary satellite. An algorithm based on the Monte-Carlo method is developed for calculating the error probability. The algorithm is compared with the method recommended by CCIR. The PeM-atlas containing probability information is created for satellite networks of various types. Algorithms for developing probability maps for definite geographical regions are built. Satellite networks of various types for the territory of Ukraine are examined using these maps.
Keywords: error probability, noise-stability, space communication
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