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Author Title [ Year(Desc)]
1Ilyushchanka АPh., 2Kryvanos AK, 3Baray SG, 3Savich VV. Materials and technologies of powder metallurgy in the components of missile and space engineering. Prospects of development. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;25(4):21-30.
1Pylypenko OV, 1Nikolayev OD, 2Bashliy ІD, 1Dolgopolov SI. Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in feeding system of space stage main engine of launch vehicle at active and passive flight. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(1):03-17.
1Timoshenko VI, 1Galinskiy VP. Mathematical modeling of the processes of air gas thermodynamics of the supersonic aircraft with a ramjet. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(2):03-18.
Anon. The Memorial Word about Borys E. Paton (1918-2020), the President of the NAS of Ukraine (1962-2020) and Editor-in-Chief of the "Space Science and Technology" journal (1995-2020). Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(5):003-003.
Anon. The Memorial Word about Michael I. Mishchenko (1959-2020), Dr. Sci., Editor Board Member of the "Space Science and Technology" journal (2018-2020). Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(5):004-004.
Anon. The Memorial Word about Olexander V. Degtyarev (1951-2020), General Director of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(6):003-004.
1Matsevity Yu.M, 2Sirenko VN, 1Kostikov AO, 1Safonov NA, 1Ganchin VV. Method of identification of non-stationary thermal processes in multilayer structures. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(1):79-89.
1Odaisky SO, 1Potapov OM, 2Fedorenko SV, 1Shchudro AP, 1Kulyk AS. A method of manufactoring pipes from polymer composite materials for aircraft structures. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(5):022-027.
1Vorontsov OV, 1Frolov VP, 1Balashov VN, 1Alekseev KG, 1Tsipun IYu., 1Mokin OV. Mobile clean chamber for assembly of orbital modules with a variable area of working zone. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(1):72-78.
1Malysheva NR, 1Hurova AM. Models of legal regulation of the remote sensing activities in the world: experience for Ukraine. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;25(4):86-110.
