Structural and functional changes in the cells of the bone tissue in space flight
1Rodionova, NV, 1Katkova, OV, 1Nesterenko, ON, 1Skripchenko, OV 1I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015, 21 ;(3):48–53 | |
Publication Language: Russian |
Abstract: The article is devoted to studying of the cellular mechanisms of gravitational-dependent changes in the long bones of the animals’ skeleton during the space flight on the international biosatellite «Bion-M1» and in land model experiments. Taking into account the obtained new data about ultrastructural reactions of bone tissue cells, the concept about mechanisms of the mechanotransduction and bone mass loss at lowering (removal) gravitational loading is offered |
Keywords: cells of bone tissue, electron microscopy, long bones, weightlessness |
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