Rediction of the solar panel loading in spacecraft in the course of panel opening with the panel construction and manufacture technology taken into account

1Bogomaz, GI, 2Dranovsky, VI, 3Semenov, ZP, 2Tryakin, VP, 1Khrushch, IK
1Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
3State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1999, 5 ;(4):11–15
Publication Language: Russian
We propose a procedure for the study of the loading of solar panels in spacecraft. It allows a complex analysis of the opening of a ladder-type panel system with its structural, technological, and functional peculiarities taken into account.
Keywords: opening of panel system, solar panels, space instruments
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