Gravitropic response in protonemata of the moss Pohlianutans (Hedw.) Lindb. and its modulation by light

1Khorkavtsiv, OYa., 2Demkiv, ОТ
1Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, L’viv, Ukraine
2Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, L'viv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1999, 5 ;(5):110–117
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Comparative investigations of gravitropism were carried out in the protonemata of Pohlia nutans and well-studied moss Ceratodon pwpweus. In darkness the protonemata of both species showed the negative gravitropism. Under uniform illumination from above they grew radially over the substrate surface, whereas unilateral illumina­tion induced either positive or negative phototropic growth. In the P. nutans protonemata only positive phototropic curvature occured, at the same time the C. pwpweus protonemata were positively phototropic at low irradiation and negatively phototropic at high light. The protonemata of both moss species shows different growth reactions in monochromatic light. The phototropic curvatures in blue light were smoother than in red one, which induced a very sharp curvature, with a nearly 90° bending angle. It was found that the phototropic response depends on the alternation of red and blue illumination. A ten-minute illumination appeared more effective in the red-blue than in the blue-red sequence. The effect of red and blue light signals is probably caused by changes in the cytosolic Ca + concentration, as the most rapid response to the light exposure. Gravitropism in the protonemata grown by light was found depend on its quality, the gravitropic curvatures in the protonemata from the red light were weaker and they developed later than in the protonemata from the blue light.
Keywords: gravitropism, phototropic, space life
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