The digital synthesizing of the zonal aerospace images, which provides the given color of objects

1Frolenko, VM
1National Defence University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1999, 5 ;(1):32–37
Publication Language: Ukrainian
The technique of synthesizing of monochromatic zonal aerospace snapshots, that provides the given color of object of remote sensing on the synthesized digital image, is considered. The necessary rated models are stated, their optimization in sense of achievement of the maximal color distinction between object and background on the synthesized image inside of borders of metamorphic color space is made. The results of numerical modeling of synthesizing of the images of a number of typical objects of aerospace monitoring to the given colors of a standard palette are given. The comparative estimation of synthesizing to the given color and optimal digital synthesizing is made.
Keywords: aerospace monitoring, metamorphic color space, modeling of synthesizing of the images
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