Problems of thermostatic control and spacecraft safety at the pre-launch period and during orbital injection

1Timoshenko, VI, 2Agarkov, AV, 2Moshnenko, Yu.I, 3Sirenko, VN, 4Knyshenko, Yu.V, 5Lyashenko, Yu.G
1Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
3Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine
4Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
5Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1999, 5 ;(5):56–64
Мова публікації: Russian
We consider the problems of thermostatic control and spacecraft safety at the pre-launch period and during the powered flight of the launch vehicle. The present-day state and thermostatic control systems (TCS) development is conducted for spacecraft sections are analyzed. A module principle of TCS construction is proposed. Characteristics of experimental and software support of the modern TCS design, creation and development work are presented.
Ключові слова: launch vehicle, module principle, thermostatic control systems (TCS)
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