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Знайдені 5 результати
Автор Заголовок [ Рік(Desc)]
Фільтри: First Letter Of Last Name - K  [Clear All Filters]
1Cheremnykh ОК, 2Grimalsky VV, Kremenetsky I. The characteristics of lithospheric origin ULF EM radiation in the ltthosphere-atmosphere- ionosphere-magnetosphere system. Косм. наука технол. 2001 ;7(supplement2):005-014.
1Kolesnikov FM. The diffusion model of extragalactic radio source extended components. Косм. наука технол. 2001 ;7(supplement2):105-109.
1Taran VI, 1Grigorenko Ye.I, Kiyashko GA. The f region ionosphere response on the severe magnetic storm on September 25, 1998. Косм. наука технол. 2001 ;7(supplement2):042-046.
1Kyzyurov Yu.V. Ionospheric irregularities induced by the turbulence of the neutral atmosphere: possible deviation from isotropy. Косм. наука технол. 2001 ;7(supplement2):052-055.
1Kryvdyk V. Radiation from collapsing stars. Косм. наука технол. 2001 ;7(supplement2):047-051.