Thermal vacuum research of samples of multi-layer insulation

1Rogachov, VA, 1Kozak, DV, 1Melnyk, RS, 1Poshtarenko, Yu.A, 1Rassamakin, BM, 1Khominich, VI, 2Zakharov, VV, 3Moskalova, TV
1National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Yangel State Design Office "Yuzhnoye", Dnipro, Ukraine
3National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic", Dnipro, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2023, 29 ;(6):051-061
Язык публикации: Ukrainian
The paper reports the results of thermal vacuum tests of samples of multi-layer insulation (MLI) covers that differ in the number of layers. The research was performed on the experimental stand TVC-0,12. Methods for conducting thermal-vacuum studies and processing experimental results to determine the specific thermal resistance of samples of MLI are presented.
       The covers are produced from kapton and mylar with dacron spacers between them. At the same time, the inner layers of the MLI are made of mylar, aluminized on both sides, and its thickness does not exceed 6.0 microns. The outer covering of samples of MLI is made of kapton, aluminized on the inside with an average thickness of no more than 50 microns. The average thickness of the inner lining of the aluminized kapton on both sides does not exceed 25 microns. Dacron with a thickness of no more than 200 microns is used as insulating gaskets for the MLI.
For the tests, thermal insulation samples of the MLI were constructed in the form of a rectangular mat with dimensions of 200 ´ 300 mm. All samples of the studied MLI had perforations of the screens with holes with a diameter of 2 mm with a pitch of 50 mm to remove the air located between the layers of thermal insulation and which is removed during the pumping of the gas environment from the vacuum chamber TVC-0.12.
       It is shown that the most effective is the twenty-layer multi-layer insulation, which has a thermal resistance in the range of temperature heads   (125¾205)   oC,   respectively  (6.5¾4) m2·K/W, which is 1.75 times higher than that of the ten-layer one. It has been determined that the use of samples of multi-layer insulation with more than 20 layers does not lead to a significant increase in its efficiency.
       The best samples are recommended for use in space technology products.              
Ключевые слова: multi-layer insulation, radiation heat flux, spacecraft, temperature head, temperature range, thermal resistance, thermal vacuum research

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