The concept of information system for providing monitoring of space in order to increase military security

1Bespalko, IA, 2Hrekov, LD, 3Pekariev, DV, 1Fedorchuk, DL
1Zhytomyr Military Institute named by SP Korolyov, 22 Mira Ave., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
2Limited Liability Company “Scientific and Productive Enterprise “Vector”", Kyiv, Ukraine
3Section for Applied Problems, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2022, 28 ;(4):03-17
Язык публикации: Ukrainian
The concept of an information system to provide the monitoring of space in order to increase military security is proposed with the accounted-for peculiarities of solving problems by the domestic structures of the security and defense sector. The concept is based on the separation of the functionality of open and specialized parts of the algorithm and software support for analyzing the space situation with the attainment of their compatibility. The results of the capability analysis of the publicly available software, which can be used for the evaluation of the space situation as an additional means, are presented. The functional model of the information system to provide the monitoring of space was developed, and a decomposition of its main functional block — a general assessment of the space situation has been carried out.
     The main software components of the algorithm and software support for the overall estimating of the space situation are determined: detection and monitoring of space objects, maintenance of the database of space objects, modeling and display of the space situation, and their main tasks are outlined. The structural scheme of the software and hardware complex of the general estimation of space situation is developed. Further ways of research are offered: concretization of the functionality of the components of the algorithms and software support of the general estimation of the space situation, substantiation and development of databases’ structures of space objects and objects of space activity, creation of the relevant software and hardware complexes and check of the adequacy of the used mathematical models, as well as issues of information security.
Ключевые слова: estimate of the space situation, monitoring of space, orbital spacecraft, space activities, space situational awareness, specialized algorithms and software support

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