Electron-beam gun for manual electron-beam welding in lunar surface conditions

1Lobanov, LM, 1Piskun, NV, 1Ternovyi, Ye.G, 1Hlushak, SO, 1Kriukov, VA, 1Kharkivska, TM, 1Statkevich, II, 1Shulym, VF, 1Zakorko, VO
1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2024, 30 ;(1):80-91
Язык публикации: Ukrainian
In recent years, more and more emphasis has been placed on the development of the Moon in space topics. Not the least attention is paid to solving problems related to providing the necessary living conditions for astronauts, with the construction and assembly on site of a large number of technical devices and structures. The operation and development of orbital complexes, as well as the promising tasks of creating structures on the lunar and Martian surface, involve the introduction of technologies for the installation and repair of space objects.
     When working in open space, there are a large number of operations (first of all, repair and restoration or fixation of fragments of large-sized structures), for which it is difficult and impossible to prepare in advance. In addition, there is a possibility of emergency situations that require urgent cutting, welding or soldering technological operations, in which the process and volume of the operation will be determined by the cosmonaut directly on the spot, where he will be able to assess the volume and method of performing the necessary work. Therefore, the creation of modern electron-beam equipment for manual welding, which will contribute to the extension of the life of space objects, and sometimes to the preservation of the lives of crews, is necessary. This equipment must be compact and efficiently perform operations on electron beam welding and related technologies in conditions on the surface of the Moon.
     The results of manual electron beam welding experiments carried out in open space indicate that the equipment, which was created earlier, makes it possible to weld stainless steels, titanium and aluminum alloys up to 1.5 mm thick. At the same time, the thickness of the material used in the manufacture of shells of manned space vehicles reaches 4...6 mm, and the length of welding seams can reach several meters.
     The purpose of this work is to create a new generation of equipment that will solve the problem of welding materials from 4 to 6 mm, which are mainly used in modern aerospace technology.
    The results of the research used to create this article were obtained during the work carried out within the framework of the Target Program of the NAS of Ukraine for Scientific Space Research for 2018-2022.
Ключевые слова: assembly and repair work, crossover., electron-beam welding, electron-optical system of the gun, equipment for manual electron-beam welding, equipment for welding, triode emission system of the gun

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