About the classification of launch equipment of the space launch systems for the strength standards justification
1Degtyarev, AV, 2Pylypenko, OV, 3Gudramovych, VS, 4Sirenko, VN, 3Daniev, Yu.F, 4Klimenko, DV, 5Poshivalov, VP 1Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine 3Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 4Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine 5Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine |
Space Sci.&Technol. 2016, 22 ;(1):03-14 |
https://doi.org/10.15407/knit2016.01.003 |
Publication Language: Russian |
Abstract: We suggest an approach to the classification of Launch Equipment of the Space Launch Systems for the strength standards justification, which is based on the hierarchical method. We analyze the prediction of the loads, which appear during operation of the Launch Complex structural elements.
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2. Beloshenko B. G., Safronov A. V., Hotuljov V. A., Shuvalova T. V. Gas dynamics of launch from "Gagarin" booster rocket "Vostok" up to the space rockets at the "Vostochnyj" (Gazodinamika starta: ot «Gagarinskoj» rakety-nositelja «Vostok» do raket kosmicheskogo naznachenija na poligone «Vostochnyj»). Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering, N 2, 168—175 (2011) [in Russian].
3. Birjukov G. P., Kobelev V. N. Fundamentals of rocket and space complexes design (Osnovy postroenija raketno-kosmicheskih kompleksov), 294 p. (MATI im. K. Je. Ciolkovskogo, Moscow, 2000) [in Russian].
4. Birjukov G. P., Smirnov V. I. Some theoretical aspects of rocket-space complexes design (Jelementy teorii proektirovanija raketno-kosmicheskih kompleksov), 288 p. (MAI, Moscow, 2003) [in Russian].
5. Wheelsets of locomotives and motor-powered units. Strength’s calculations and tests: HOST 31373–2008 from 1st September 2009, 12 p. (Standartinform, Moscow, 2009) [in Russian].
6. Hudramovich V. S. The theory of creep and its application to calculation of elements of thin-walled structures. (Teorija polzuchesti i ejo prilozhenija k raschetu jelementov tonkostennyh konstrukcij), 224 p. (Nauk. dumka, Kiev, 2005) [in Russian].
7. Hudramovich V. S. Contact interaction of the elements of extended non-uniform shell structures by using physical models of nonlinearity (Kontaktnye vzaimodejstvija jelementov protjazhennyh neodnorodnyh obolochechnyh konstrukcij pri ispol'zovanii modelej fizicheskoj nelinejnosti. X Vserossijskij s#ezd po fundamental'nym problemam teoreticheskoj i prikladnoj mehaniki), Nizhnij Novgorod, Russia, 2011: izb. tez. dokl., P. 57—59 (NGU, Nizhnij Novgorod, 2011) [in Russian].
8. Hudramovich V. S. Simulation of stress-strain state of the shell designs of missile technology and energy (Modelirovanie naprjazhenno-deformirovannogo sostojanija obolochechnyh konstrukcij raketnoj tehniki i jenergetiki). Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika, N 4, 97—104 (2013) [in Russian].
9. Hudramovich V. S., Gerasimov V. P., Konovalenkov V. S., Poshivalov V. P. Limit states shells under complex loading and creep.(Predel'nye sostojanija obolochek pri slozhnom nagruzhenii i polzuchesti materiala), 254 p. (Nauk. dumka, Kiev, 1984) [in Russian].
10. Hudramovich V. S., Pereverzev E. S. The bearing capacity and durability of structural elements. (Nesushhaja sposobnost' i dolgovechnost' jelementov konstrukcij), 284 p. (Nauk. dumka, Kiev, 1981) [in Russian].
11. Daniev Yu. F., Demchenko A. V., Zevako V. S. et al. Spacecrafts. Introduction to space technology (Kosmicheskie letatel'nye apparaty. Vvedenie v kosmicheskuju tehniku), Ed. by A. P. Petrenko, 456 p. (Dnepropetrovsk: ART–PRESS, 2007) [in Russian].
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17. Marchuk M., Sirenko V., Kharchenko V., and Khomyak M. Calculation method of layered composite membranes for the presence of defects at the interface (Metod rozrahunku sharuvatyh kompozytnyh obolonok za najavnosti defektiv na poverhnjah rozdilu). Suchasni problemy mehaniky i matematyky, Eds. R. M. Kushnir, B. J. Ptashnyk, Vol.1, P. 42—44 (IPPMM im. Ja. S. Pidstrygacha NAN Ukrai'ny, Lviv, 2013) (Vols. 1-3; Vol. 1) [in Ukrainian].
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